Monday, August 15, 2011

Had Fusion, need re-fusion - By Scott

Has patient had spine surgery?Yes

What was done? When was it? Who was the surgeon? L5-S1 Fusion. 2007

Please tell us your exact symptoms: Low severe back pain when active and after waking up, ALL pain focused on left side and will be in left hip area, comes around to the front of the thigh, sharp nerve pain when I am active. Almost exact same as before my fusion. Left leg has numbness and atrophy. If I sit or stand for long periods numbness is greater. Laying is the only relief.

The problem started when?: 2000, Fell on my head and did disc damage in my neck but lower back is unrelated.

Has patient had a scan? MRI, Cat's everything. L5-S1 fusion but he thinks the fusion may have had a disc issue. The hardware is intact.

Question: I am curious what the success rate is for people with similar stories. I do not think my fusion failed totally but I believe something happened. My neuro surgeon said he thinks that I may need a refusion.